I’ve had to put Form Tools on the back-burner this last month, due to an onslaught of freelance work – on top of which another gig for BP – Beyond Petroleum – has just been added…! Once Boston Pizza and the Probono Maps of BC jobs are done I should be able to return to Form Tools “full time” and finally work on language packs. Also, I’ve devised a delightfully simple way to provide the option of tabbed-editing of form submissions. I’m toying with the idea of working on that prior to the language packs… hmmm. But for the moment, I have enough time to do a small update to the software with v1.4.2.

1.4.2 will be the unsexiest release yet. I’m going to focus on fixing up the majority (if not all) of the issues spotted to date, and new features will only come as an afterthought. I’ve been dutifully documenting all issues as they’ve come up and now there are quite a list. None have been show-stoppers, and nothing that genuinely interfered with getting the program to work as is should. Still, there are a lot of minor UI annoyances – the devil is in the details. This new version should really tidy it up.