I’ve almost wrapped up work on the next release of Form Tools, waaay ahead of schedule. I had a little extra time this weekend, so I thought I’d get this out of the way. On the plane to and from Saskatoon last weekend I got several peaceful hours alone with my MacBook and got a heck of a lot done. I figured I may as well finish it off now while it’s fresh in my mind.

The email code is now substantially improved (code-wise, not functionally, I’m afraid! Though it does now allow for specifying your own subject line). Frankly it had been becoming a heck of a mess with more and more features sneaking in there. It’s still far from perfect, and I really want to address the emails again in 1.4.4. A chap in the forums pointed out his frustration with them, and I fully agree. I was tempted to address the issues in this version, but didn’t include them for fear of feature creep. One thing at a time.

Give me another week for QA and I’ll release it in Private Beta.