For no apparent reason Google has just disabled my Gmail account. Hmph. What a pain.

Please reach me [email protected] until I hear back from them about this.

[Edit: Dec 28th]. Still silence from Google. I’ve sent three emails asking why they did this; still no word. Any emails sent to my account are getting bounced back with a failure message – and of course, this includes donations made through PayPal. This is NOT exactly instilling confidence in those people who have been kind enough to donate to my various projects…

C’mon, Google. Get your bloody act together. You’re making me look bad.

[Edit: Dec 30th]. It’s baaack. From Google:


Thank you for your report.

We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. The issue you
described should now be resolved. If you continue to experience
difficulties, please respond to this message, and we’ll investigate


The Google TeamÂ
