Data Generator
Getting the website up for the Data Generator script proved to be more laborious than anticipated. First, I got over-excited and decided to make the site entirely Ajax-generated, which was tremendous fun and looks very slick, but took an extra months work of evenings and weekends. Then I couldn’t resist the urge to add some features, most notably a save-load mechanism. Which is bloody brilliant when it work.

When it works.

So now I’m up to my eyeballs trying to get the load mechanism to work properly on all browsers. I’m seriously having a hard time making sense of the apparent non-sequential nature of javascript execution. But I’ve designed a nice actionscript-esque event queue solution which I’m looking forward to working on, as soon as I get a moment’s peace.

I was shooting for getting it completed by the end of the month, but I have some contract work that has to come first. I’ll be sure to make a big announcement when it’s up and running.

Form Tools

I’ve been somewhat negligent in the forums – which is terribly bad considering I released 1.4.6 a couple of weeks back & need to help out with the bugs. I’ll get back into it very soon.

Contract Stuff

Salvation Army turned out to be a lot bigger than antipated. Bloody interesting, though.

Day Job

6 weeks to go! It’s been a really great job, but I’m really looking forward to my free time. My last day is the end of June, so as of July 1st I’ll be sleeping in, watching daytime soaps, I’ll have stopped shaving altogether and will have become paler and paler until I look like a sheet of plain white paper.